Protect your family’s future with our friendly, highly professional and affordable services.
A Will lets you look after your loved ones, even after you are gone. But choosing the best way to prepare a Will can be confusing. Over the years, we have helped thousands of people like you protect what is most precious to them. Guiding you through the entire process, and visiting you in the comfort of your home, we make writing a Will as easy and convenient as possible.
You know you need a Will to protect your family and ensure your wishes are respected after you are gone. But what happens if you lose the ability to make decisions while you are still alive? A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) lets you appoint people you trust to make decisions on your behalf, should you lose mental capacity.
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone you know and trust to make important decisions and to act on your behalf should you lose capacity to do so yourself.
Grant of Probate only:
To obtain a grant of probate, Wills Worldwide can handle the entire process for you, with ease and understanding. We will correspond with the Probate Registry, complete an inheritance tax return, and secure an Oath for Executors. Once the grant is issued and received, you will be able to manage all the remaining aspects of estate administration yourself.
Full Estate Administration:
As well as obtaining the Grant of Probate, our expert team will deal with the whole process from start to finish to provide complete peace of mind that your Executor duties have been fully completed with no future liability. See our simple process outlined below.
Having a Will in place is an important first step for everyone to take and for many people they feel it is the only step they need to take, however, there may be further work that could ensure that there is an added level of protection and safety for their assets and families, this is called estate planning.
Inheritance Tax
Inheritance tax (IHT) is a form of tax that is potentially paid on a person’s death. Each person in England and Wales has specific allowances for inheritance tax purposes, anything over these allowances is taxed at 40%. These would be discussed in detail with you during your appointment, as some would be more relevant than others.
Protection of Assets
During the course of your appointment, there may be circumstances where some further estate planning is needed to provide more protection for your assets, this is done by the use of Trusts. There are many different types of trusts that can be used to provide this protection, this would include:
Bereaved Young Peron’s Trust
Protected Property Trust
Vulnerable Person’s Trust
Discretionary Trust
Business Property Relief (BPR) Trust
When we look to pass our assets on after we die, we always want to make sure that we pass them on at full value and to the intended recipient.
A trust helps to ringfence financial assets, so that you can pass on the true value of what you’ve accrued to your children and loved ones.
We draw on our experienced panel of experts to ensure that all your needs are met. Whether you need a Life Interest Trust within a will or wish to establish a trust during your lifetime, we’re here to help.
Why not get in touch for a free consultation and see how we can help you today?